Clarity in Wellness Zyto Link
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Get to know Zyto Link
ZYTO Link is the next generation of biocommunication systems. The ZYTO Link app combines leading-edge health assessment technology with ZYTO’s proprietary scanning process. The result is a fast, accurate wellness scan that provides a wealth of information, including top essential oils and supplements the body prefers.
The Link scan analyzes facial blood-flow patterns to determine the person’s heart rate, heart-rate variability, breathing rate, skin age, and mental stress level.
After incorporating these measurements from the face scan, the Link scan measures the body’s responses to various biomarkers. Biomarkers are digital representations of actual components of the body, such as organs, glands, and systems, as well as lifestyle factors and emotions.
Finally, Link measures the body’s responses to various wellness products and services to determine which ones the body prefers the most.
How does the Zyto Link work?
1. Video capture
ZYTO Link utilizes a technology known as transdermal optical imaging (TOI) to gather key information about your health and wellness. TOI uses your smartphone camera to detect and analyze the blood-flow patterns in your face.
*Link uses only the data gathered and does not save any images or video of you.

2. Vital measurements
ZYTO Link measures a variety of health and wellness indicators based on facial blood-flow analysis:
  • Heart rate
  • Heart rate variability
  • Breathing rate
  • Skin age
  • Mental stress index
TOI measurements from the Link scan are comparable to traditional methods of measuring cardiovascular health and stress. For example, research has found that TOI heart-rate measurements are accurate to within +/- 1 beats per minute when compared against electrocardiogram (ECG) measurements. TOI’s accuracy is proven to be comparable to medical devices such as EKG.

3. Biomarker scan
The unique, real-time measurements (there is no picture or video recorded and stored) from the facial blood-flow analysis are incorporated into the ZYTO scanning algorithm. This algorithm then determines your priority score for each biomarker in the Link library.
Using proprietary analytical tools, the Link app establishes your baseline, which you might think of as your “normal” or “resting” score. This baseline is displayed graphically next to each biomarker. Biomarkers with a higher score than your baseline are considered “out of range,” while those that have a lower score than your baseline are considered “in range".

4. Product and services scan
Along with scanning nearly 200 biomarkers, the Link app scans Young Living products to determine which ones bring the most out-of-range biomarkers back into range. Services such as massage and acupuncture are also scanned as additional options for wellness support. (I have no connection to the additional services, these are simply for your information)
Like biomarkers, products and services are digital representations of the actual items.

5. Wellness reports
After the scan is completed, the Link report summary displays the body’s vital measurements as well as how many biomarkers were out of range.
The other reports show the biomarker responses for each body system and lifestyle area, as well as the top products and services to bring the out-of-range biomarkers back into range. This data can be used to make better decisions and help you reach your wellness goals faster.

Steps and tips for scanning.
1. Once you request a scan, an email will be sent to you with instructions, including a prompt to download the app and create a free account. Make sure to use a good email when requesting your scan, as everything you need will be included in that email. The email you receive will look similar to the image below.
2. The transdermal optical imaging (facial analysis) scan only takes 30 seconds! It will scan your face during this time, it is NOT taking a picture or saving anything. Please remain as still as possible during these 30 seconds. Please note: it does start scanning your face as soon as you click to start your scan.
3. Confirm that you strong have internet access. The ZYTO Link scan will not work without an internet connection.
4. Make sure to perform your scan in good lighting to ensure you have the best reading possible. If your lighting isn't sufficient enough for the facial analysis, the test will stop and alert you to move into better lighting. You want to avoid shadows on your face.
You can leave your glasses on for the scan and light makeup should not interfere with your scan. Cracked screen protectors that cover the camera may keep the scan from running properly.
5. Once your scan is completed, you can immediately see your results in the Zyto Link app. If you have any questions after reviewing your scan, you can contact me and we can chat further.

You have completed your scan. 
Here is how to read it.
Accessing your results ~
You will need an internet connection to access your results.
 1. Open up your ZYTO Link APP 
2. Select PROFILE in the bottom left corner
3. Then select your most recent scan in your SCAN HISTORY
Understanding your Report Summary ~

Diving Deeper: Understanding your Systems Report  ~
What is next?
Your scan recommended 5 key products for your overall wellness and many more tailored to your specific body systems. To keep things manageable, I suggest starting with 2-5 products that resonate most with you. Here’s how to narrow it down:
~ Start with what you have: Check your scan results for products you already own. Begin by using those, so you can immediately incorporate them into your routine.
~ Pressed for time? If diving into the entire scan seems overwhelming, just focus on those top 5 products. These were specifically chosen to support your overall health and are a great starting point for making an impact.
~ For the detail-oriented: If you love to analyze, you’ve likely already reviewed your scan in depth. Pick products that address the systems you feel need the most attention right now and start with those.
~ To order your products: Log in to your Young Living account and add them to your cart or set up a Loyalty Order (highly recommended for maximum rewards!). Not a member yet? No problem we can easily fix that when we chat. 
Your new routine.
The real power of your scan lies in using the products regularly. Here’s how you can seamlessly fit them into your daily routine:
~ Diffuse daily: Make it a habit to start your day with diffusing. This will set the tone for the entire day. Your scan can give you insight on exactly what your body and mind is wanting for optimal success and balance. It helps to habit stack this with something you already do. Such as setting up a diffuser near the coffee pot, or setting out the oils you plan to diffuse the next day near your breakfast area as a reminder. 
~ Oil application: Keep the oils you scanned for close to you to help remind you to use them. Morning and night apply them to key areas like your feet or where your body needs support. After applying each oil, take deep breaths with your hands over your nose. 
~ Remembering supplements: Supplements can be harder to remember, so setting an alarm on your phone may really help you remember to take them consistently.
By making these small adjustments, you’ll easily incorporate your products into your day and maximize the results from your scan!
You’ve gained valuable insights from your scan—now it’s time to make a change!  Consistency is key to seeing results, so commit today! If you need help selecting or ordering products, or if you want me to create a custom cart for you, don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s get started on clarity in your wellness journey together!